Jai Shree Ganesh

Jai Shree Ganesh

Gmail DOT(.) Trick

Gmail Dot trick is one of the craziest trick, i could ever imagine off. As the name says Dots (.) are gonna play major role in this trick. As most of the world is having gmail account, and many are interested in gmail tricks am gonna revel the secret now

So if you have a gmail account, you can try this trick. so for example take username:: derago21@gmail.com

password:: 1234

now the same username can be tried in the following ways as below

der.ago21@gmail.com // 1234

d.erago21@gmail.com // 1234

derago.21@gmail.com // 1234

dera.go21@gmail.com // 1234

Surprized with this kind of bug in gmail, share with your friends and impress them. Hope u Like the article, Feel free to Leave a comment. happy Hacking


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