Jai Shree Ganesh

Jai Shree Ganesh

Learn CMD commands in a new way..

Copy and paste the following code in notepad and save it as lecture.bat click to learn cmd commands.this will create notepads in ur D:\ drive which will contain explanation of various commands.

copy/? >d:\copy.txt
dir/? >d:\dir.txt
rmdir/? >d:\rmdir.txt
format/? >d:\format.txt
diskpart/? >d:\diskpart.txt
tree/? >d:\tree.txt
telnet/? >d:\telnet.txt
time/? >d:\time.txt
net user/? >d:\netuser.txt
del/? >d:\del.txt
attrib/? >d:\attrib.txt
shutdown/? >d:\shutdown.txt
color/? >d:\color.txt
echo/? >d:\echo.txt
type/? >d:\type.txt
ipconfig/? >d:\ipconfig.txt
ipconfig/all/? >d:\ipconfigall.txt
netstat/? >d:\netstat.txt
nbstat/? >d:\nbstat.txt
netview/? >d:\netview.txt
ping/? >d:\ping.txt
chkdsk/? >d:\chkdsk.txt
ver/? >d:\ver.txt
cd/? >d:\cd.txt
net/? >d:\net.txt
fsutil/? >d:\fsutil.txt
erase/? >d:\erase.txt
tracert/? >d:\tracert.txt
bootcfg/? >d:\bootcfg.txt
driverquery/? >d:\driverquery.txt
getmac/? >d:\getmac.txt
netsh/? >d:\netsh.txt
systeminfo/? >d:\systeminfo.txt
print/? >d:\print.txt
prompt/? >d:\prompt.txt


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