Jai Shree Ganesh

Jai Shree Ganesh

How to enable Windows Task Manager

Windows Task Manager is used to view the status of running applications, active processes, CPU and Page file usage history and active user in windows environment.

As a system administrator you can manage all the features of Windows Task Manager.

You can end task of any running application and set the priority of any running process according to application importance.

By default Windows Task Manager Status is enabled, but a user can also disable or enable it manually.

But sometimes a registry hack applies on windows task manager to disable it and your system give you a message "Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator”.

Then you should enable it by editing the system registry or using Group Policy Editor.

Before proceeding further, first scan your system with up-to-date antivirus, and then follow the given steps to enable it using group policy editor.

  • To enable this feature, you will need to be logged into your computer with administrative rights.

  • Now click on Start button and type “Gpedit.msc” in Run option then press OK.

  • In Group Policy Editor, expand "User Configuration",> expand the “Administrative Templates”,> expand “System” then “Ctrl+Alt+Del Options”,

  • Now in right side of panel “Ctrl+Alt+Del Options” double click on “Remove Task Manager” to change it setting. Here set the option “Disable” to “Enable” or “Not configured” and your task manager is available once again.


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