Jai Shree Ganesh

Jai Shree Ganesh

Convert any Folder into almost anything.

To Convert Folder Into Contol Panel, Rename With Adding

To Convert Folder Into Recycle Bin, Rename With Adding

To Convert Folder Into My Computer, Rename With Adding

To Convert Folder Into Internet Explorer, Rename With Adding

Eg:- If you have a folder ABC, to convert it into Control Panel, rename the folder as
ABC.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} After this, the key should disappear and act as an attribute. And if it doesn’t, then also no problem, as the folder will start working the way you want it to.

To re-enable your folder to be accessible via Windows, go to command prompt and rename the folder there. Eg:- If the folder is in C:\Temp\ABC, then get to C:\Temp in the command prompt and type:
ren ABC.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} ABC

(Command Prompt supports CLIPBOARD. Copy-Paste will work there.)
Your folder will be back to normal state.
This method can be used to protect any data, but it will not provide reliable security to the data.
You can also search the registry for more relevant keys like these.


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